♡ Kilpailupäivä 17.02.2015 / VIP 07.02.2015
♡ Järjestyspaikka Piikuja
♡ Vastuuhenkilö Jasmin (VRL-12914)
♡ Arvontatapa lyhyt arvonta
♡ 30 ratsukkoa / luokka
♡ 3 hevosta / ratsastaja / luokka
♡ 2 luokkaa / hevonen
♡ VRL-tunnus on pakollinen, hevosen VH-numero on vapaaehtoinen
♡ Avoin hevosille
♡ Osallistumiset sähköpostiin [email protected]
♡ Otsikoksi ERJ 11
♡ Osallistumismuoto Luokka/luokat (rivinvaihto) ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - hevonen
- Väärin ilmottautuneet hylätään, samoin jos osallistuu ennen, kuin kutsu löytyy VRLn kilpailukalenterista
1. 150 cm (30/30) TT
2. 150 cm (30/30) TT
3. 150 cm (30/30) TT
4. 150 cm (30/30) TT
5. 160 cm (30/30) TT
6. 160 cm (30/30) TT
7. 160 cm (30/30) TT
8. 160 cm (30/30) TT
1. 150 cm
1. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Sayonara VH14-031-0106
2. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Hattivatten Vegas VH14-031-0789
3. Oresama (VLR-02753) – G-Force RR
4. Oresama (VLR-02753) – It's Time for Hollywood RR
5. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Samuray VH14-031-0379
6. Zack (VRL-01221) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482
7. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Astronomy B17 VH04-021-4713
8. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Amyntas Bell VH14-031-1218
9. CC. (VRL-02198) - Diva-Off xx
10. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonard VH14-031-0105
11. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Chamonix Kern VH14-012-0279
12. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Crayon Rouge VH06-021-9547
13. Iida (VRL-12644) - Eagle's eye
14. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Bella K VH01-021-0774
15. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Triennia Prime VH14-021-0483
16. Zack (VRL-01221) - Jordaan Yemn VH13-100-0017
17. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Wildcherry
18. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Ghost RR
19. Zack (VRL-01221) - Qwet Yemn VH13-100-0013
20. Mila (VRL-11936) - Secret Coffee Break VH14-031-1204
21. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - No Sunday DFC VH14-012-0346
22. Mila (VRL-11936) - Serenity Pie VH14-031-1086
23. CC. (VRL-02198) - Staccato xx
24. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Schwarzdorn VH14-021-0381
25. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Rubinglow
26. Mila (VRL-11936) - Forget You Not xx VH15-006-0004
27. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Radiant VH14-031-0159
28. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Crypto
29. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Sand Pond VH14-012-0347
30. CC. (VRL-02198) - Never Gonna Dance xx
2. 150 cm
1. CC. (VRL-02198) - Never Gonna Dance xx
2. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Wildcherry
3. CC. (VRL-02198) - Staccato xx
4. CC. (VRL-02198) - Diva-Off xx
5. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Astronomy B17 VH04-021-4713
6. Zack (VRL-01221) - Jordaan Yemn VH13-100-0017
7. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Sayonara VH14-031-0106
8. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Rubinglow
9. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Amyntas Bell VH14-031-1218
10. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - No Sunday DFC VH14-012-0346
11. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Crypto
12. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Radiant VH14-031-0159
13. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Crayon Rouge VH06-021-9547
14. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Ghost RR
15. Zack (VRL-01221) - Qwet Yemn VH13-100-0013
16. Mila (VRL-11936) - Forget You Not xx VH15-006-0004
17. Mila (VRL-11936) - Secret Coffee Break VH14-031-1204
18. Zack (VRL-01221) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482
19. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonard VH14-031-0105
20. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Bella K VH01-021-0774
21. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Chamonix Kern VH14-012-0279
22. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Schwarzdorn VH14-021-0381
23. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Hattivatten Vegas VH14-031-0789
24. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Sand Pond VH14-012-0347
25. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Triennia Prime VH14-021-0483
26. Oresama (VLR-02753) – It's Time for Hollywood RR
27. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Samuray VH14-031-0379
28. Mila (VRL-11936) - Serenity Pie VH14-031-1086
29. Iida (VRL-12644) - Eagle's eye
30. Oresama (VLR-02753) – G-Force RR
3. 150 cm
1. Mila (VRL-11936) - Pramia's Foliferoy VH14-031-1114
2. Mila (VRL-11936) - Maybe It's Melanie VH14-031-1186
3. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Navy Blue Darjeeling VH13-056-0004
4. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonida VH15-031-0014
5. Zack (VRL-01221) - Gemstone Scopey VH14-021-0489
6. Emmy (VRL-12295) - S' Hazell VH13-013-0509
7. Zack (VRL-01221) - Eschenbluete VH14-044-0390
8. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Difference Mercury Kern VH14-012-0191
9. Kida (VRL-08368) - Rocky Road CRN
10. Mila (VRL-11936) - BB VH14-006-0102
11. Kida (VRL-08368) - Pistachio CRN
12. Leah (VRL-13840) - Hannibal
13. Kida (VRL-08368) - Hauntini PB
14. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Edelweiss Kern VH14-012-0190
15. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Gotta Be Charlie RR
16. Latu (VRL-01436) - Filia Regis GER
17. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Dark Color Purple xx VH14-006-0378
18. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pinjata VH14-012-0192
19. Zack (VRL-01221) - Awerinaz Vertlat VH14-100-0021
20. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Pinoccio VH13-012-0010
21. CC. (VRL-02198) - Crystal Champagne xx
22. CC. (VRL-02198) - Quiero's High Note xx
23. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Selen E'Qui VH01-021-1431
24. Namunen (VRL-12910) - DD's Ciapel
25. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Pokey Joe I
26. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Selyse RGE
27. Oresama (VLR-02753) - Zombie Dance VH13-031-0618
28. Iida (VRL-12644) - Quidam blue
29. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Goofy Man VH13-209-0024
30. CC. (VRL-02198) - Bailey CBR xx
4. 150 cm
1. Mila (VRL-11936) - BB VH14-006-0102
2. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Difference Mercury Kern VH14-012-0191
3. CC. (VRL-02198) - Bailey CBR xx
4. Kida (VRL-08368) - Hauntini PB
5. Zack (VRL-01221) - Eschenbluete VH14-044-0390
6. Iida (VRL-12644) - Quidam blue
7. CC. (VRL-02198) - Crystal Champagne xx
8. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pinjata VH14-012-0192
9. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Pokey Joe I
10. Mila (VRL-11936) - Maybe It's Melanie VH14-031-1186
11. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonida VH15-031-0014
12. Oresama (VLR-02753) - Zombie Dance VH13-031-0618
13. CC. (VRL-02198) - Quiero's High Note xx
14. Emmy (VRL-12295) - S' Hazell VH13-013-0509
15. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Goofy Man VH13-209-0024
16. Kida (VRL-08368) - Rocky Road CRN
17. Kida (VRL-08368) - Pistachio CRN
18. Zack (VRL-01221) - Awerinaz Vertlat VH14-100-0021
19. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Selyse RGE
20. Namunen (VRL-12910) - DD's Ciapel
21. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Selen E'Qui VH01-021-1431
22. Leah (VRL-13840) - Hannibal
23. Latu (VRL-01436) - Filia Regis GER
24. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Navy Blue Darjeeling VH13-056-0004
25. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Dark Color Purple xx VH14-006-0378
26. Mila (VRL-11936) - Pramia's Foliferoy VH14-031-1114
27. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Gotta Be Charlie RR
28. Zack (VRL-01221) - Gemstone Scopey VH14-021-0489
29. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Edelweiss Kern VH14-012-0190
30. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Pinoccio VH13-012-0010
5. 160 cm
1. riika (VRL-10216) - Shamrock Boulevard WELL VH11-012-0099
2. Oresama (VRL-02753) - She's An Angel RR
3. Zack (VRL-01221) - Riverford Wesley VH15-034-0006
4. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Too Many Ghosts
5. Riella (VRL-01744) - Dark Fantasija
6. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Unbridled Dreams VH14-021-0583
7. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Kingdom Highlight VH14-021-0448
8. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Jackie BH VH14-012-0372
9. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Wild Teddy-Bear
10. satu (VRL-00124) - Parisian Paradox Vegas VH14-031-0729
11. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Dandelious
12. Mila (VRL-11936) - Rooibos VH14-031-1195
13. CC. (VRL-02198) - Minx SWA xx
14. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Rain And Angels RR
15. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Sodasyrup Solo
16. Iida (VRL-12644) - Langverwachte
17. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Pywacket von Delmenhorst VH14-021-0362
18. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Suprant Lavender
19. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Too Funky Stinder VH14-021-0384
20. satu (VRL-00124) - Pinkie Pie Stinder VH14-031-0812
21. Mila (VRL-11936) - Valiant Drunken Huntsman VH14-031-1116
22. Kida (VRL-08368) - Vanessa Air CRN
23. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Special Jumper DFC
24. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Teatime Solo VH12-031-0165
25. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Valerita II
26. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Narrow Arrow Kern VH15-012-0050
27. CC. (VRL-02198) - Writer's Block xx
28. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Felicitous Timing VH14-012-0195
29. CC. (VRL-02198) - Rose's Turn xx
30. Kida (VRL-08368) - Indian Plum CRN
6. 160 cm
1. CC. (VRL-02198) - Minx SWA xx
2. satu (VRL-00124) - Pinkie Pie Stinder VH14-031-0812
3. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Sodasyrup Solo
4. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Valerita II
5. Iida (VRL-12644) - Langverwachte
6. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Dandelious
7. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Rain And Angels RR
8. Kida (VRL-08368) - Vanessa Air CRN
9. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Kingdom Highlight VH14-021-0448
10. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Wild Teddy-Bear
11. Riella (VRL-01744) - Dark Fantasija
12. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Pywacket von Delmenhorst VH14-021-0362
13. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Jackie BH VH14-012-0372
14. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Felicitous Timing VH14-012-0195
15. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Too Many Ghosts
16. Mila (VRL-11936) - Rooibos VH14-031-1195
17. CC. (VRL-02198) - Rose's Turn xx
18. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Unbridled Dreams VH14-021-0583
19. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Suprant Lavender
20. Mila (VRL-11936) - Valiant Drunken Huntsman VH14-031-1116
21. CC. (VRL-02198) - Writer's Block xx
22. Zack (VRL-01221) - Riverford Wesley VH15-034-0006
23. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Special Jumper DFC
24. Oresama (VRL-02753) - She's An Angel RR
25. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Narrow Arrow Kern VH15-012-0050
26. Riella (VRL-01744) - Räuerei Harley VH14-021-0616
27. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Too Funky Stinder VH14-021-0384
28. satu (VRL-00124) - Parisian Paradox Vegas VH14-031-0729
29. Kida (VRL-08368) - Indian Plum CRN
30. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Teatime Solo VH12-031-0165
7. 160 cm
1. Riella (VRL-01744) - Fair Anastasia
2. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Silverlode Goliath VH14-021-0414
3. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Special Enjoy Kern VH14-012-0290
4. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - le Rêve Valley Lily VH14-012-0401
5. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Dawson
6. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pamela BH VH14-012-0371
7. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Hysteria Zephyr VH14-012-0158
8. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Universelle Kern VH14-012-0291
9. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Honey
10. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Unicorn
11. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192
12. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Whitebrook's Total Eclipse
13. Iida (VRL-12644) - Waterdrop
14. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Silverlode I eat U Brainz!
15. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Trze Trivia VH14-021-0333
16. Riella (VRL-01744) - Panetoz Tanz Mit Mir
17. Oresama (VRL-02753) - All About Our Empress RR
18. CC. (VRL-02198) - Defying Gravity xx
19. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Hollister
20. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Star Limited AY
21. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Gernica DES VH02-011-9105
22. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Brockley NON VH14-021-0332
23. CC. (VRL-02198) - Dark Kurt
24. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Freshman Snilli VH14-031-1146
25. Riella (VRL-01744) - Kingdom Barony
26. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Austin Snilli VH14-031-1193
27. CC. (VRL-02198) - Colfie xx
28. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Kasanov
29. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - U-Cround Prefect
30. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Fly High RR
8. 160 cm
1. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Fly High RR
2. Riella (VRL-01744) - Panetoz Tanz Mit Mir
3. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192
4. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Special Enjoy Kern VH14-012-0290
5. riika (VRL-10216) - Shamrock Boulevard WELL VH11-012-0099
6. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Austin Snilli VH14-031-1193
7. Oresama (VRL-02753) - All About Our Empress RR
8. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Silverlode I eat U Brainz!
9. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Gernica DES VH02-011-9105
10. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Star Limited AY
11. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pamela BH VH14-012-0371
12. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Hollister
13. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Honey
14. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - le Rêve Valley Lily VH14-012-0401
15. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Trze Trivia VH14-021-0333
16. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Unicorn
17. Riella (VRL-01744) - Psychoholic Harley
18. CC. (VRL-02198) - Dark Kurt
19. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Universelle Kern VH14-012-0291
20. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Whitebrook's Total Eclipse
21. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Dawson
22. CC. (VRL-02198) - Defying Gravity xx
23. CC. (VRL-02198) - Colfie xx
24. Iida (VRL-12644) - Waterdrop
25. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Hysteria Zephyr VH14-012-0158
26. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - U-Cround Prefect
27. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Kasanov
28. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Silverlode Goliath VH14-021-0414
29. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Brockley NON VH14-021-0332
30. Riella (VRL-01744) - Kingdom Barony
♡ Kilpailupäivä 17.02.2015 / VIP 07.02.2015
♡ Järjestyspaikka Piikuja
♡ Vastuuhenkilö Jasmin (VRL-12914)
♡ Arvontatapa lyhyt arvonta
♡ 30 ratsukkoa / luokka
♡ 3 hevosta / ratsastaja / luokka
♡ 2 luokkaa / hevonen
♡ VRL-tunnus on pakollinen, hevosen VH-numero on vapaaehtoinen
♡ Avoin hevosille
♡ Osallistumiset sähköpostiin [email protected]
♡ Otsikoksi ERJ 11
♡ Osallistumismuoto Luokka/luokat (rivinvaihto) ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - hevonen
- Väärin ilmottautuneet hylätään, samoin jos osallistuu ennen, kuin kutsu löytyy VRLn kilpailukalenterista
1. 150 cm (30/30) TT
2. 150 cm (30/30) TT
3. 150 cm (30/30) TT
4. 150 cm (30/30) TT
5. 160 cm (30/30) TT
6. 160 cm (30/30) TT
7. 160 cm (30/30) TT
8. 160 cm (30/30) TT
1. 150 cm
1. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Sayonara VH14-031-0106
2. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Hattivatten Vegas VH14-031-0789
3. Oresama (VLR-02753) – G-Force RR
4. Oresama (VLR-02753) – It's Time for Hollywood RR
5. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Samuray VH14-031-0379
6. Zack (VRL-01221) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482
7. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Astronomy B17 VH04-021-4713
8. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Amyntas Bell VH14-031-1218
9. CC. (VRL-02198) - Diva-Off xx
10. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonard VH14-031-0105
11. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Chamonix Kern VH14-012-0279
12. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Crayon Rouge VH06-021-9547
13. Iida (VRL-12644) - Eagle's eye
14. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Bella K VH01-021-0774
15. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Triennia Prime VH14-021-0483
16. Zack (VRL-01221) - Jordaan Yemn VH13-100-0017
17. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Wildcherry
18. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Ghost RR
19. Zack (VRL-01221) - Qwet Yemn VH13-100-0013
20. Mila (VRL-11936) - Secret Coffee Break VH14-031-1204
21. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - No Sunday DFC VH14-012-0346
22. Mila (VRL-11936) - Serenity Pie VH14-031-1086
23. CC. (VRL-02198) - Staccato xx
24. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Schwarzdorn VH14-021-0381
25. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Rubinglow
26. Mila (VRL-11936) - Forget You Not xx VH15-006-0004
27. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Radiant VH14-031-0159
28. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Crypto
29. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Sand Pond VH14-012-0347
30. CC. (VRL-02198) - Never Gonna Dance xx
2. 150 cm
1. CC. (VRL-02198) - Never Gonna Dance xx
2. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Wildcherry
3. CC. (VRL-02198) - Staccato xx
4. CC. (VRL-02198) - Diva-Off xx
5. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Astronomy B17 VH04-021-4713
6. Zack (VRL-01221) - Jordaan Yemn VH13-100-0017
7. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Sayonara VH14-031-0106
8. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Rubinglow
9. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Amyntas Bell VH14-031-1218
10. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - No Sunday DFC VH14-012-0346
11. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Crypto
12. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Radiant VH14-031-0159
13. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Crayon Rouge VH06-021-9547
14. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Ghost RR
15. Zack (VRL-01221) - Qwet Yemn VH13-100-0013
16. Mila (VRL-11936) - Forget You Not xx VH15-006-0004
17. Mila (VRL-11936) - Secret Coffee Break VH14-031-1204
18. Zack (VRL-01221) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482
19. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonard VH14-031-0105
20. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Bella K VH01-021-0774
21. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Chamonix Kern VH14-012-0279
22. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Schwarzdorn VH14-021-0381
23. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Hattivatten Vegas VH14-031-0789
24. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Sand Pond VH14-012-0347
25. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Triennia Prime VH14-021-0483
26. Oresama (VLR-02753) – It's Time for Hollywood RR
27. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Samuray VH14-031-0379
28. Mila (VRL-11936) - Serenity Pie VH14-031-1086
29. Iida (VRL-12644) - Eagle's eye
30. Oresama (VLR-02753) – G-Force RR
3. 150 cm
1. Mila (VRL-11936) - Pramia's Foliferoy VH14-031-1114
2. Mila (VRL-11936) - Maybe It's Melanie VH14-031-1186
3. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Navy Blue Darjeeling VH13-056-0004
4. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonida VH15-031-0014
5. Zack (VRL-01221) - Gemstone Scopey VH14-021-0489
6. Emmy (VRL-12295) - S' Hazell VH13-013-0509
7. Zack (VRL-01221) - Eschenbluete VH14-044-0390
8. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Difference Mercury Kern VH14-012-0191
9. Kida (VRL-08368) - Rocky Road CRN
10. Mila (VRL-11936) - BB VH14-006-0102
11. Kida (VRL-08368) - Pistachio CRN
12. Leah (VRL-13840) - Hannibal
13. Kida (VRL-08368) - Hauntini PB
14. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Edelweiss Kern VH14-012-0190
15. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Gotta Be Charlie RR
16. Latu (VRL-01436) - Filia Regis GER
17. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Dark Color Purple xx VH14-006-0378
18. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pinjata VH14-012-0192
19. Zack (VRL-01221) - Awerinaz Vertlat VH14-100-0021
20. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Pinoccio VH13-012-0010
21. CC. (VRL-02198) - Crystal Champagne xx
22. CC. (VRL-02198) - Quiero's High Note xx
23. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Selen E'Qui VH01-021-1431
24. Namunen (VRL-12910) - DD's Ciapel
25. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Pokey Joe I
26. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Selyse RGE
27. Oresama (VLR-02753) - Zombie Dance VH13-031-0618
28. Iida (VRL-12644) - Quidam blue
29. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Goofy Man VH13-209-0024
30. CC. (VRL-02198) - Bailey CBR xx
4. 150 cm
1. Mila (VRL-11936) - BB VH14-006-0102
2. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Difference Mercury Kern VH14-012-0191
3. CC. (VRL-02198) - Bailey CBR xx
4. Kida (VRL-08368) - Hauntini PB
5. Zack (VRL-01221) - Eschenbluete VH14-044-0390
6. Iida (VRL-12644) - Quidam blue
7. CC. (VRL-02198) - Crystal Champagne xx
8. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pinjata VH14-012-0192
9. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Pokey Joe I
10. Mila (VRL-11936) - Maybe It's Melanie VH14-031-1186
11. felissa (VRL-04000) - Delicate Leonida VH15-031-0014
12. Oresama (VLR-02753) - Zombie Dance VH13-031-0618
13. CC. (VRL-02198) - Quiero's High Note xx
14. Emmy (VRL-12295) - S' Hazell VH13-013-0509
15. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Goofy Man VH13-209-0024
16. Kida (VRL-08368) - Rocky Road CRN
17. Kida (VRL-08368) - Pistachio CRN
18. Zack (VRL-01221) - Awerinaz Vertlat VH14-100-0021
19. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Selyse RGE
20. Namunen (VRL-12910) - DD's Ciapel
21. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Selen E'Qui VH01-021-1431
22. Leah (VRL-13840) - Hannibal
23. Latu (VRL-01436) - Filia Regis GER
24. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Navy Blue Darjeeling VH13-056-0004
25. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Dark Color Purple xx VH14-006-0378
26. Mila (VRL-11936) - Pramia's Foliferoy VH14-031-1114
27. Oresama (VLR-02753) – Gotta Be Charlie RR
28. Zack (VRL-01221) - Gemstone Scopey VH14-021-0489
29. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Edelweiss Kern VH14-012-0190
30. Emmy (VRL-12295) - Pinoccio VH13-012-0010
5. 160 cm
1. riika (VRL-10216) - Shamrock Boulevard WELL VH11-012-0099
2. Oresama (VRL-02753) - She's An Angel RR
3. Zack (VRL-01221) - Riverford Wesley VH15-034-0006
4. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Too Many Ghosts
5. Riella (VRL-01744) - Dark Fantasija
6. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Unbridled Dreams VH14-021-0583
7. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Kingdom Highlight VH14-021-0448
8. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Jackie BH VH14-012-0372
9. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Wild Teddy-Bear
10. satu (VRL-00124) - Parisian Paradox Vegas VH14-031-0729
11. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Dandelious
12. Mila (VRL-11936) - Rooibos VH14-031-1195
13. CC. (VRL-02198) - Minx SWA xx
14. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Rain And Angels RR
15. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Sodasyrup Solo
16. Iida (VRL-12644) - Langverwachte
17. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Pywacket von Delmenhorst VH14-021-0362
18. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Suprant Lavender
19. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Too Funky Stinder VH14-021-0384
20. satu (VRL-00124) - Pinkie Pie Stinder VH14-031-0812
21. Mila (VRL-11936) - Valiant Drunken Huntsman VH14-031-1116
22. Kida (VRL-08368) - Vanessa Air CRN
23. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Special Jumper DFC
24. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Teatime Solo VH12-031-0165
25. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Valerita II
26. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Narrow Arrow Kern VH15-012-0050
27. CC. (VRL-02198) - Writer's Block xx
28. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Felicitous Timing VH14-012-0195
29. CC. (VRL-02198) - Rose's Turn xx
30. Kida (VRL-08368) - Indian Plum CRN
6. 160 cm
1. CC. (VRL-02198) - Minx SWA xx
2. satu (VRL-00124) - Pinkie Pie Stinder VH14-031-0812
3. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Sodasyrup Solo
4. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Valerita II
5. Iida (VRL-12644) - Langverwachte
6. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Dandelious
7. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Rain And Angels RR
8. Kida (VRL-08368) - Vanessa Air CRN
9. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Kingdom Highlight VH14-021-0448
10. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Wild Teddy-Bear
11. Riella (VRL-01744) - Dark Fantasija
12. Nerita (VRL-12557) - Pywacket von Delmenhorst VH14-021-0362
13. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Jackie BH VH14-012-0372
14. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Felicitous Timing VH14-012-0195
15. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Too Many Ghosts
16. Mila (VRL-11936) - Rooibos VH14-031-1195
17. CC. (VRL-02198) - Rose's Turn xx
18. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Unbridled Dreams VH14-021-0583
19. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Suprant Lavender
20. Mila (VRL-11936) - Valiant Drunken Huntsman VH14-031-1116
21. CC. (VRL-02198) - Writer's Block xx
22. Zack (VRL-01221) - Riverford Wesley VH15-034-0006
23. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Special Jumper DFC
24. Oresama (VRL-02753) - She's An Angel RR
25. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Narrow Arrow Kern VH15-012-0050
26. Riella (VRL-01744) - Räuerei Harley VH14-021-0616
27. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Too Funky Stinder VH14-021-0384
28. satu (VRL-00124) - Parisian Paradox Vegas VH14-031-0729
29. Kida (VRL-08368) - Indian Plum CRN
30. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Tropical Teatime Solo VH12-031-0165
7. 160 cm
1. Riella (VRL-01744) - Fair Anastasia
2. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Silverlode Goliath VH14-021-0414
3. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Special Enjoy Kern VH14-012-0290
4. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - le Rêve Valley Lily VH14-012-0401
5. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Dawson
6. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pamela BH VH14-012-0371
7. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Hysteria Zephyr VH14-012-0158
8. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Universelle Kern VH14-012-0291
9. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Honey
10. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Unicorn
11. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192
12. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Whitebrook's Total Eclipse
13. Iida (VRL-12644) - Waterdrop
14. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Silverlode I eat U Brainz!
15. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Trze Trivia VH14-021-0333
16. Riella (VRL-01744) - Panetoz Tanz Mit Mir
17. Oresama (VRL-02753) - All About Our Empress RR
18. CC. (VRL-02198) - Defying Gravity xx
19. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Hollister
20. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Star Limited AY
21. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Gernica DES VH02-011-9105
22. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Brockley NON VH14-021-0332
23. CC. (VRL-02198) - Dark Kurt
24. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Freshman Snilli VH14-031-1146
25. Riella (VRL-01744) - Kingdom Barony
26. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Austin Snilli VH14-031-1193
27. CC. (VRL-02198) - Colfie xx
28. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Kasanov
29. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - U-Cround Prefect
30. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Fly High RR
8. 160 cm
1. Oresama (VRL-02753) - Fly High RR
2. Riella (VRL-01744) - Panetoz Tanz Mit Mir
3. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Hattie Snilli VH14-031-1192
4. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Special Enjoy Kern VH14-012-0290
5. riika (VRL-10216) - Shamrock Boulevard WELL VH11-012-0099
6. Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Austin Snilli VH14-031-1193
7. Oresama (VRL-02753) - All About Our Empress RR
8. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Silverlode I eat U Brainz!
9. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Gernica DES VH02-011-9105
10. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Star Limited AY
11. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Pamela BH VH14-012-0371
12. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Hollister
13. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Honey
14. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - le Rêve Valley Lily VH14-012-0401
15. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Trze Trivia VH14-021-0333
16. Kida (VRL-08368) - Cranleigh Unicorn
17. Riella (VRL-01744) - Psychoholic Harley
18. CC. (VRL-02198) - Dark Kurt
19. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - Universelle Kern VH14-012-0291
20. Sylvester (VRL-00483) - Whitebrook's Total Eclipse
21. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Dawson
22. CC. (VRL-02198) - Defying Gravity xx
23. CC. (VRL-02198) - Colfie xx
24. Iida (VRL-12644) - Waterdrop
25. Jasmin (VRL-12914) - Hysteria Zephyr VH14-012-0158
26. mokkamasiina (VRL-13501) - U-Cround Prefect
27. Namunen (VRL-12910) - Surfire's Kasanov
28. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Silverlode Goliath VH14-021-0414
29. Eeva T. (VRL-00410) - Brockley NON VH14-021-0332
30. Riella (VRL-01744) - Kingdom Barony